Friday, January 24, 2014

6 Sales Changes You Must Make NOW to be Successful in 2014

2014 is just around the corner, and while most of the office is already checked-out and ready for the holidays, real sales winners are already planning for next year's sales success. The new year is the perfect time to reflect on the past year and commit to changes in behavior and habits that you've been putting off for months. 2014 is a clean slate for sales reps to become the top performers they know they can be. Here are six changes every sales person should be making to hit the ground running in January and ensure 2014 is the most successful year yet.
i Have the Power! by Gene Kopecky of the Suddath Companies

1. Shorten your response time to leads/inquiries

Prospects are increasingly doing more research on the web, and as a result, they are willing to engage with a salesperson only when they’re ready to buy.  Any hesitation on the part of a salesperson in responding to an inquiry can -- and will -- result in lost sales. 

2. Make Marketing responsible for building awareness and Sales responsible for all leads

Too many companies are still using yesterday’s process where the marketing department handles all leads and even vets the quality of leads.  If you want to be in the business of business prevention, then go ahead and keep using that model.  If, on the other hand, you want to grow sales, then it’s essential for the sales department to be in control of all leads.

3. Eliminate your hard copy sales materials (they're already out of date)

No matter how much money you spent developing what you think are really powerful sales materials, you run into a very simple fact of life: they’re already out of date. Not only are they out of date, but they’re also not what the prospect or customer even wants. Customers don’t want to see generic “one-size-fits-all” stuff.  For that matter, they don’t want to see hard copy stuff at all, because they’ve already seen the same information on your website.

4. Focus your social media efforts and do more with less

Too many sales teams have found themselves trying to be all things to all people via every social media site out there. Don’t kid yourself. Only the strongest voice is going to come through, and there’s no way you can have the strongest voice on every social media site. Focus your efforts against the single site where you are most likely to find your prospects and/or customers.  Strive to be the big dog on that site and don’t worry about trying to be a factor everywhere.

5. Increase the use of trial closes throughout the sales call

With customers engaging with salespeople lower down in the sales funnel, it is now harder to determine quickly where the prospect is in their decision making process. With some customers engaging right at the point of making a decision, salespeople today have to be ready to grab the sale.  The only way to truly do this is by using trial closes early and often to ensure no sales opportunity is lost.

6. Follow-up faster after each sale is made

Due to how quickly communication (both good and bad) can spread among customers and non-customers, it is imperative to be in control of not only the sales process, but also what I’ll call the “customer satisfaction” phase. Immediately after the customer decides to buy  and through their initial use of the product/service, it is critical for Sales to remain engaged with them. Ensure customers are receiving the value they desire, but ever more, create customers who will be an active voice in helping to create more customers. Success in 2014 is possible. But you have to be willing to do these six things in order to stand apart from your competition.

"FIRE IN THE BELLY" wheel created Gene Kopecky of the Suddath Companies

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Breaking News! Why does my Logistics services cost me so much?

As you are probably aware, the cost of Logistics is crazy expensive. I mean why does it cost so much to move things around? Well I'll tell you, our research has concluded that most Logistics providers just don't know what they're doing! 

Let me explain... 

There are two main complaints from most Logistics service customers. 

1. The vendor is never correct on their estimates. 
2. The vendor can never finish the job by the promised time. 

Does this sound familiar? To make matters worse the vendor always has an excuse. Why can't they just get it done on time for the promised price? 

Well what we have found is that if estimating isn't done by someone who doesn't have an accurate system of measure then they can't possibly get it right. Believe it or not most estimators, even those with countless years of experience, still use the method of eye-balling or trial and error. This is unacceptable! Can you imagine, this is why they can never fix the customers two main complaints. 

So what can I do? 

We have an answer for you... Select a vendor who utilizes the IOMI® proprietary formula for estimating. This is the only way proven to correct the customers two main complaints and leave no room for error. 

Finally, to answer the initial question as to why do my Logistics services cost me so much? and more importantly how will this info actually lower my bill? 

Here's the answer... Logistics companies are not in business to lose money, therefore since they don't believe that there is a proven method to calculate estimates accurately. They have developed pricing that is about 10% higher than it actually needs to be. Therefore if you select a vendor that utilizes IOMI's proprietary formula's then you will see a 10% cost savings on your Logistics service bill. 

Well I hope this information has been helpful, and wish you much success in your search for Logistics service happiness. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions, I am here at your disposal.

Four Sales Questions That Irritate Customers

Most sales scripts often include questions intended to move the sale forward. However, ask any of these questions during an initial conversation with a customer and you've probably lost the sale.

Question 1. "Would you agree that...?"

This question is trying to manipulate the customer into saying "Yes" to something small, so that they'll say "Yes" to buying.  Unfortunately, the customer knows exactly what you're trying to do because this technique is at least a hundred years old.  Instead ask: "What are your priorities around...?"  This opens a discussion of the actual issues so that you can learn more about the customer's situation.

Question 2. "If I could save you 15%, would you be interested..."

In this case, you're holding out the promise of cost savings as a way to hook the customer into listening to the rest of your spiel.  However, this question communicates to the customer that you haven't bothered to find out anything specific about that customer.  Instead ask: "Where would cost reduction be of particular value?" This allows the customer to expound on where they're having challenges, so that you can better craft a solution.

  Question 3. "Do you have a budget for this?"

Obviously, you're trying to qualify the lead so that you don't waste time selling to somebody who doesn't have the money to buy.  This question tells the customer that you're only interested in making a sale and (worse) are hoping to run up the price to match the stated budget.  Instead ask: "How are decisions made for this type of purchase?"  Phrasing the question this way launches a discussion of the buying process, so that you can tailor your selling activities to match. Remember: if the need is great enough, the budget will follow.

Question 4. "Are you the decision maker?"

You wanted to ensure that you're talking to the person who can say "Yes" and (if not) use that person as a bridge. However, you're also implying that you suspect your customer contact is some flunky gatekeeper who needs to be schmoozed.  Instead ask: "Who are the stakeholders?" This question will uncover the various people who will need to reach consensus on the purchase in order for it to be actually made. Ideally, you'll get a roadmap of whom you must contact in order to close the deal.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Suddath's IOMI commitment starts at the top

With 90+ years of moving experience under your belt, is there anything new to learn? 

Suddath Commercial Solutions thinks so much of International Office Moving Institute's (IOMI®) office moving methods, they have pledged to train every key employee at every one of their 22 branches nationwide in the coming months.

Steve Suddath, chairman of the board for The Suddath Companies, showed his commitment to IOMI's® program by attending the first training session held at Suddath's corporate offices in Jacksonville, FL.

Suddath and key employees at corporate and the company's Jacksonville and Miami branches earned Certified Mover® status during three days of intensive training. Now, instead of basing office move estimates on "cube", Suddath will begin implementing IOMI's® proprietary formula to accurately estimate the number of men and trucks for how long. Customers benefit because moves finish on time for the price quoted with greater reliability.

Jeff Witwer, a Suddath relocation consultant,evaluated the training as life changing.

"This training has changed my life as a commercial salesman. I can now really set myself apart from the competition," Witwer wrote. 

The response has been overwhelmingly positive. 

"The seminar was so informative, I wish I could take it again. Ed kept my attention the whole time. I wanted more," said Pat Day, a national account manager.

IOMI's® Certified Mover® training gives moving companies best-practice tools and techniques to estimate accurately and minimize the risk of damage to furniture, computers, and building surfaces during an office move, all designed to finish on time for the price quoted with greater certainty.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Why hire an IOMI Certified Office Mover?

1. On time for the price quoted
One of the biggest complaints about movers is that they often badly underestimate the cost of a move and then don't finish on time. An International Office Moving Institute (IOMI)-trained mover learns a formula for accurately estimating cost. By calculating the number of trucks and movers for how long, IOMI Certified Office Movers can base estimates on man-hours, volume, and logistics, and not weight, which household movers typically use when quoting an office move. As a result, the chances of a move completing on time for the price quoted is greatly improved.

2. Minimize risk of damage
IOMI Certified Office Movers learn the latest techniques to minimize risk of damage to furniture and computers, and are trained in extensive building protection to minimize risk of damage to carpet, walls, doors, and door jambs.

3. Minimize downtime
There is a better way! IOMI Certified Office Movers understand that their customers can't afford to shut down operations during a move, and are trained in techniques to keep client employees working. Many IOMI graduates offer The Boxless Move -- moving the contents in the furniture instead of the contents and the furniture.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The standard for excellence in the transportation and relocation industry

Exceeding global household goods transportation and relocation industry standards, Suddath has recently been recognized with three prestigious awards: the Expatriate Management & Mobility Award (EMMA), Brookfield Relocation's Empowered and Client-Centric award and Logistics Management's Quest for Quality.
 These awards reflect a commitment to excellence in customer satisfaction and service performance in a highly competitive market. It is clear that while the advancement of information technology is often where recognition is focused today, customer service is still the industry benchmark.
The Forum for Expatriate Management (FEM), a global group comprised of industry mobility professionals, chose Suddath as the recipient of the EMMA in the "International Mover of the Year" category, out of a total of nine finalists. The FEM received more than 1,000 nominations from professionals around the world in all categories. The judges, both clients and peers, stated that Suddath "has a broad global presence and are masters at managing their worldwide network of movers.”
Suddath also received Brookfield Relocation's Empowered and Client-Centric award. Acknowledging Suddath for their outstanding performance in household goods moving, Anna Wooldridge, supplier management specialist at Brookfield said, "The entire team consistently demonstrates a commitment to partnership and is innovative and creative in finding the best solutions for Brookfield’s clients and transferees."
A commitment to excellence was further confirmed by Suddath achieving Logistics Management's Quest for Quality award. For more than 29 years Logistics Management magazine has conducted an annual research project to measure customer satisfaction and service performance excellence in the transportation and logistics industry. Out of the 10 pre-determined service providers, Suddath placed first in both customer service and equipment and operation, and they tied for first in information technology. Additionally, they were ranked third in the overall division, a vote of confidence that comes from the actual buyers of logistics and transportation services.
Brad Estrin, executive vice president of sales and marketing for Suddath, suggests a simple formula for their continued success: "Our financial strength affords us the ability to reinvest in our people, our processes and our technology; this keeps our customers ahead in what can be a very complex and stressful environment."
Despite a soft economy, Suddath continues to experience significant organic and acquisitional growth. Success in the addition of major marquee accounts in 2012 is a contributing catalyst for this rapid expansion. While the Suddath name may be most well-known for household goods moving services, this only accounts for a portion of business. The Suddath Companies, in its entirety, is competing with top providers in the logistics marketplace, commercial office moving and workplace solutions, trade show and exhibit display transportation management and government contract work.
Maintaining momentum and a commitment to innovation over the next few years will be crucial for Suddath to uphold their industry leading position. "Competition is fierce due to globalization and it gets tougher every year to meet our clients' needs; the key is listening to our clients and quickly delivering customized solutions. I'm honored to be part of a company that says 'being just a moving company isn't the best we can do anymore,'" said Estrin.

Monday, January 6, 2014

5 things you may not have considered for your office move

Moving your office or business involves a long checklist of things to remember, and it’s easy to let items slip through the cracks. Here are a few things you should consider in the time leading up to an office move.
1. Create a floor plan as soon as you’ve selected your new space. This allows you to consider your furniture options well before relocating. Can you reuse or repurpose your existing furniture? Do you need to purchase all or some new furniture? If you don’t need all of your existing furniture, you can sell or decommission it before the move. By eliminating the need to move it twice or put it in storage, you will ultimately save time and money.

2. Consider the HVAC requirements for any equipment your company uses. It’s important to address this with your architect or space planner before the move, eliminating last minute scrambles or expensive fixes.

3. Think about destroying or archiving old files and paperwork – a move is a great time to purge. Just make sure you account for sensitive documents and have a plan in place to protect your company’s privacy. You should always destroy sensitive documents through a certified shredding company.

4. Did you know that moving does not require hundreds of cardboard boxes? Consider ways to make your move greener – ask your moving company if they offer crate rental versus corrugated material. This option saves time and money and is better for the environment.

5.  Remember to change your address. This may seem like a no brainer, but make sure you apply that change everywhere it’s required.
  • New stationery and business cards
  • New building signage
  • Company vehicle signage
  • Vehicle registration
  • Website and social media pages
  • Ongoing advertising
  • Yellow pages listings
  • Etc.

Hiring a qualified moving company that specializes in commercial and office relocation and is certified by the International Office Moving Institute (IOMI) can alleviate the pressure to remember every detail of your move.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Tradeshow Exhibit Transportation

You've invested thousands in your upcoming industry tradeshow. You have giveaways, booth staff, marketing materials and a great attention-grabbing idea to attract attendees to your booth.
After many months of planning, set-up day arrives and the exhibit doors open, the enormous convention hall is filled with the sounds of booth displays being erected in every direction you look. You finally arrive at your space, armed ready with your tool belt to find…an empty space.
Exhibit transportation is often the most overlooked and undervalued aspect of tradeshow planning. Choosing a vendor experienced in booth transportation is paramount to the success of your show. The marketing aspect of the show often overshadows the critical logistics decisions that need to be made to avoid costly and embarrassing transportation blunders. Choosing an experienced transportation provider is the first key to your success in tradeshow planning.
Here are some tips for finding professional transportation companies who are experts in exhibit shipping.
Choose an experienced provider 
Ask companies for references and ask acquaintances at trade shows for guidance on which is the best company around. Reputable companies may have slightly higher rates because they understand the nuances of this type of transportation, but it is always better to pay more rather than face undue delays or worse, no booth at all!
Don’t wait until the last minute
If the event sponsors have made arrangements for an advance warehouse, use it. Unforeseen circumstances like bad weather can cause flight delays, and transportation companies can be victims of these unavoidable circumstances. Label all crates properly and mark with paint or stickers so as to easily identify your booth in a sea of display crates.
Bring copies of all your show forms, including registration documents and confirmations, just in case. Make backups and duplicates of all audio/visual presentations you’ll be using.

Five tips for planning and designing your office

Your new work space design can have a huge impact on the future of your business. Your choices can either make your employees more productive—or less productive. More productive employees, of course, means a happier, more efficient office environment which translates into better customer service, more sales and bottom line profits.
Here are five tips for planning and designing your workspace so that you not only get the most efficiency out of your space but also receive the best results from your employees: 
1) Try before you buy. Many companies change to a new workstation design when they move. The high walled cubicle is replaced with a lower wall cubicle. Some companies decide to use “hotel workstations” to condense space.  This means they are condensing space by using workstations where there are no permanent desk assignments, and a receptionist assigns a work station to each employee for the day.
This changes the dynamics of your office and employee interaction. So before you make a large investment in new workstations, sample the type of station you are considering. Try out the look, feel and functionality in your office setting before you buy. 
For example, after you approve your design, our crew puts a couple of the workstations you are considering into your office right alongside your old workstations so you can see in advance if the new workstations will provide a better working environment. Once you agree to the new workstations, an exchange program gives you credit towards your new workstations.
2) Use a full-service provider. When you use multiple companies each selling one piece of the puzzle, often you’ll find you end up with what is their highest priced product instead of the best solution for your situation. For example, when using multiple vendors, a furniture vendor might only show you all new furniture, when really you could reuse your existing furniture and only need new chairs.
A full-service provider will present you with every option available including reuse and re-manufactured furniture solutions. To save yourself aggravation and money and ensure you’ll be presented with every option, use a single source to plan, design and furnish your offices.
3) Get value for your existing furniture. Before you call up the liquidator who will give you next to nothing for your furniture or make arrangements to haul your furniture off to charity, consider relocating your furniture to get more value from it. A professional mover with a national footprint can give you the ability to relocate furniture and use it in another location in the country. For example, if you are decommissioning a location in Jacksonville, Florida and opening a new location in Phoenix, Arizona, you can use the value of your furniture against the procurement for your new office.
4) Use a licensed stage planner and designer. One of the big advantages of dealing with a full-service provider is that you have full access to a licensed stage planner and designer. This will bring options and ideas about how to put together the ideal working environment that you might never have considered and ensures you get the quality service you are expecting.   
5) Allow enough time. The more time you have to plan the process and your space, the better the end result. You are more likely to end up with an ideal solution versus a “second best solution” that was put in place for the sake of expediency.  
Combining services by using a single source workplace solutions provider can add significant cost savings to a project. You will ensure all the pieces of your new workspace fit together properly, meet your requirements and create the best possible working environment for your employees.